SHANGHAI GRANDO CO LTD -  We are looking for Distributors

2015 is one of the most important years to the large format inkjet printer industry. That is Grando.Established in 2015 held by SD group, Grando R&D team has more than 10 years experience of manufacturing printers and technical services.

Since 2015, Grando has built huge dealer network in the world, including more than 60 dealers in every province of China and more than 50 distributors/dealers overseas, bring customers more than 4000 printers every year.

Featuring with high quality products, popular design, stable structure, and professional services, Grando has won high reputation from customers all over the world, and many customers grow their business since introduced Grando to their product line.
In future, as a leader in the printer industry, our effort will be paid to more innovation and cutting edge technology.

Grando, we care about quality and service.
We care about quality and service
Made in Shanghai,Made with quality
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